Support for your business
Regardless of the size or stage of your business, we'll work with you to source the right support for your needs.

Regardless of the size or stage of your business, we'll work with you to source the right support for your needs.

Access to funding
Gain access to potential funding opportunities such as:
£250m+ Midlands Engine Investment Fund (MEIF) - Available for the growth of SME businesses
Business Growth Programme 2 - Provides between £10,001 - £1m to businesses trading for at least six months, for the creation of jobs
Investor Showcase - A great way to meet some of the sector’s leading investors, providing start-ups, early growth and venture stage businesses with an opportunity for targeted introductions
Investor Network - Access to leading investors from Midven, Mercia, and Minerva

Access to talent
Access talent from the neighbouring universities Aston University and Birmingham City University, plus the University of Birmingham’s leading computer science graduates. There are over 110,000 graduates each year from across the West Midlands’ 20 universities, including 14,000 with FinTech-related qualifications.
You’ll also gain access to more software developers, programmers and software architects than any other regional city in the UK.

Access to our partner network
Discover opportunities to network and grow through our connections to the Scale Up Institute, West Midlands Growth Company, Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP, the Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and Birmingham Tech.
Our Serendip® open-innovation programme provides start-ups and smaller businesses with the opportunity to partner with global corporates on innovation projects, including 5prinG, HS2, Barclays, and the NHS.