Covid-19 bruntwood keeping customers colleagues safe
By Bruntwood

Bruntwood has always supported good business and worked to help create thriving cities. Now more than ever, we are aware of the responsibility we have and the role that we need to continue to play in these difficult times.
The safety and security of our colleagues and customers continues to be our number one priority and we’re still working hard to strike the right balance that enables our customers to keep economically active while minimising the risk of spreading the infection.
Over the last few weeks we made the difficult decision to reduce services in some buildings and close our retail outlets, Afflecks and Hatch to best comply with the government’s instructions around social distancing. We’ve also launched a virtual programme of events and worked hard to provide business support to our customers either directly or through the initiatives that have been put in place by the government.
Our COVID-19 steering group remains in place and continues to meet daily, supporting and working closely with our operational building teams. We’re also starting to plan for what an exit from the lockdown might look like and how we can be best placed to ensure we are ready for this when it comes.
As the situation continually changes and progresses we will keep you updated and informed. Existing customers can get in touch with us through their Customer Operations Manager or you can contact us via
Thank you once again for the patience and support you’ve shown us throughout this period of immense challenge and continue to do so as we work hard to keep our business community together.
On behalf of everyone at Bruntwood, as always, I wish you, your teams and all of your family and loved ones the best.
Chris Oglesby