Bruntwood backs Crossrail for the North campaign


    Bruntwood, the leading regional property company, is backing a major campaign for Crossrail for the North.

    Launched by influential think tank the Northern Powerhouse Partnership, The Crossrail for the North campaign is seeking “transformational investment” from the government to create a world-class, high capacity rail network to link Northern cities and ignite economic growth.

    A letter sent to Prime Minister Theresa May and Chancellor Philip Hammond today by the Partnership, states: “We are calling on the government to show its continued commitment to Crossrail for the North in the Autumn Budget, alongside a step change investment in the wider road and rail corridors which link the key economic assets of the North.

    “This crucial, pan-Northern infrastructure of Crossrail for the North, the Northern Powerhouse’s Railway, would significantly cut journey times, for example providing a no more than 30-minute commute between Leeds and Manchester and less than 60 minutes between Leeds and Newcastle, and have a dramatic impact on the UK economy.”

    The Partnership’s letter argues that current poor connectivity in the North is a major obstacle to encouraging companies from growing in the region and is a barrier to inward investment.

    Bruntwood Chief Executive Chris Oglesby, who sits on the board of the NPP said: “Investment in rail improvements in the North is an economic imperative not simply for the North but the UK as a whole.

    “Connecting the cities properly into a single economy with a large talented labour market will help them compete effectively on the global stage, working to their collective strengths and delivering more overall. For us this is all part of making our great city regions even greater.”

    Bruntwood, a major investor and stakeholder in the Northern Powerhouse, is committed to supporting growth in the Liverpool, Leeds and Manchester city regions. It has been a member of the Northern Powerhouse Partnership since its inception in late 2016.

    The organisation comprises business leaders and key political figures from across the North and was set up by former Chancellor George Osborne to maintain momentum for the Northern Powerhouse initiative he launched while in office.

    The Northern Powerhouse Partnership has four key objectives: infrastructure & assets; education & skills; international competitiveness and leadership & learning.


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