LGBTQ+ History Month at Bruntwood
By Bruntwood

Today is the first day of February, so the first bit of news is that, if you’re reading this, you got through January intact — hoorah! The second bit of news is that February is also LGBTQ+ History Month — and there’s so much to talk about!
LGBTQ+ History Month happens at different times of year depending on where you are in the world; in the UK it’s every February and has been since 2005. The term ‘LGBTQ+’ is actually a contraction of the much longer abbreviation: ‘LGBTTQQIAAP’ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Allies, Asexual and Pansexual). The month is an observance of LGBTQ+ history as well as an opportunity to raise awareness, increase visibility and advance education around matters affecting the LGBTQ+ community. It’s also a chance to promote the welfare of LGBTQ+ people by ensuring that educational and other systems work in a way which allows LGBTQ+ individuals to realise their full potential.
At Bruntwood, we place great emphasis on helping colleagues to reach their full potential and it’s key to what we think makes a thriving workplace. We also believe that all voices in our community should be heard if our cities are to be truly great places to live, reflecting and enhancing the lives of those who inhabit them. That’s why enabling a fair and equal society is a core part of our driving purpose to Create Thriving Cities.
It’s for this reason that we celebrate uniqueness and diversity in our partnerships and customer base, with Manchester Pride and Gaydio being such important members of the Bruntwood community. It is also for this reason that in 2021 we set up our D&I Allyship Group: a team of colleagues from different backgrounds who help to drive our diversity and inclusion initiatives, championing a speak-up culture, and a safe space for the discussion of a wide range of issues where all voices are given an equal platform.
Throughout February, and to mark LGBTQ+ History Month, we’ll be building on an idea born out of the D&I Allyship Group, by giving a voice to our colleagues in a series of videos.
Over the next few weeks, our colleagues will talk around a number of different topics including: their LGBTQ+ role models; how to support LGBTQ+ colleagues and friends; and why LGBTQ+ History Month is an important part of all our calendars.
We identify strongly with the need for greater diversity within our workplaces, our cities and our lives. It’s even a part of our strategy as a business. But we don’t claim to have all the answers. By listening to our colleagues and hearing their stories, we hope to provide a breadth of opinion and create a space for thought-provoking evaluation and discussion, as they share their thoughts and feelings.
We’ve always aimed to foster a ‘learn-it-all’ instead of a ‘know-it-all’ culture. We’re looking forward to seeing what we can all learn from what our colleagues have to say.
The first video will be out on our socials next week… Stay tuned!